Impuls 273. Crystal Clear Communication & an Involved and Engaged Team
I recently had a client who wondered how he could make it so that in meetings it wasn’t always him who did most of the talking, but his staff. He was eloquent and liked to listen – to himself. In my interview with my American college Jill Schiefelbein I am discussing this and other topics about leadership. For me some points were surprising and some known already. When you listen to this podcast make sure to don’t only ask yourself: ‚Have I heard this before?‘, but also: ‚Am I practicing these topics myself?’
Here you can listen to the three parts of our interview:
Part 1: Crystal Clear Communication
Part 2: How to Activate Your Team Members in Meetings
Part 3: A Surprising Idea to Foster Motivation in Times of Home Office.
Want to learn more about Jill Schiefelbein? Klick here
You can watch the full interview on my YouTube channel.
Want learn more about my new online-training „Führen auf Distanz – Heiß auf HOmeoffice“? Dann klicke hier.
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