Inspiration 32. Breaks Are a Waste of Time!

When was the last time you took a three-week vacation?
Well, I’ve taken a couple of those.
I’ve been to Namibia, Myanmar, Mexico, Vietnam, Cuba, Brazil … although it must be said that I only spent two weeks in the last two countries.
Why am I asking you this?
Because my doctor asked me this morning.
And my answer – you can probably guess what’s coming – took a while because I did those trips waaaay back, more than 15 years ago. Since becoming a dad to two insanely amazing kids, I haven’t made any trips like that. And do you know what? I’m not planning anything like that for the near future, either. I think there is something more important than taking three weeks of vacation at a time. That’s true for me.
Treating yourself to breaks regularly – in everyday work
Do you sometimes just grab a sandwich and eat at the computer, or indeed don’t even take a proper lunch break at all?
Do you ever go home in the evening before completing 10 or 12 or more hours of work?
Do you treat yourself to regular exercise and really get your heart pumping?
As far as I am concerned, I used to get it all wrong. I worked too much and for too long. I did too little exercise and took no proper breaks.
Today, not only do I know that this damages my health, but I also do things differently. Most of it, anyway – nobody’s perfect.
Today, I treat myself to breaks and eat extremely healthily. I regularly get the blood pumping with Capoeira. I spend a lot of intense quality time with my two children. Every person should use these little islands of rest every day of every week to recharge their batteries, not just once a year on a three-week summer vacation.
What about you?
Do you regularly exercise and spend nice, high-quality time with friends, your partner and your kids?
Do you treat yourself to breaks several times a day?
Do you eat really healthily?
Today, my doctor gave me nutrition advice that I wasn’t aware of. I thought that a lot of fruit, vegetables and fish was enough. Nope, that’s not how it is.
So, there is still something for me to tackle and change.
And vacations? Do I go on vacation? Well, I’m indulging in a week of further education this month at the NSA, the National Speaker’s Association in Dallas. And in August, I’m hugely looking forward to a two-week vacation with my kids.
And after that? After that, I’ll be looking forward to doing my job again, because it gives me a lot of fun and deep enjoyment each and every day!
Do you love your job?
Do you love what you do? Every day?
If not, then start to change your course today.
The best day to do this is always today.
Best of luck with that!
Yours, Markus Jotzo